Services for Regional Centers and Other Agencies

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Coaching for Indivdual & Families

Ally has partnered with several regional center agencies across the State of California to provide one-to-one coaching support services to individuals and, when applicable, their families in order to successfully transition into California's Self-Determination Program.

Training & Workshops for Independent Facilitators

As California's Self-Determination Program continues to grow at a fast rate, Ally provides assistance to the local State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD) office to provide trainings in Spanish for individuals who want to become an Independent Facilitator. Ally also works in partnership with the SCDD to further Independent Facilitator's skills and knowledge through ongoing workshops that provide sample case studies of real-life scenarios, budget development how to, spending plan development tools, and much more at no cost to participants!

Learning Circles for Individuals and Families

Ally is committed to providing quality services that promote independence, informed-choice, freedom, dignity, and sense of community. Learning Circles were developed to assist a regional center agency better support their community in understanding the Self-Determination Program and Regional Center services. Ally has developed a curriculum that breaks down the Self-Determination Program into smaller more intimate group discussions that allows for in-depth meaningful conversations. Additionally, Learning Circle participants learn about their rights, resources, and build the confidence needed to move forward with their supports and services. These individuals become great supports to others like them in their community!

Tailored Services, Consultation and More!

Ally has extensive experience in the field of developmental disabilities and the agencies in place to serve individuals with developmental disabilities. Whether you're a regional center, service provider, or other community stakeholder, Ally can help develop and tailor trainings as well as provide consultation to meet YOUR specific agency needs. Let us be an ally in helping you accomplish your agency goals!